The Writing Toolbox

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Newspaper Clippings

This morning, after my morning ritual of coffee and the newspaper, I found another article that interested me. Eventually, I cut it out and filed it away.

What I've been working hard at doing, like my daily writing, is to look for story ideas. These are frequently found in other items that I read--maybe it is from a book of devotionals (my favorite being Oswald Chambers) or a columnist like Clarence Page or Kathleen Parker.

Sometimes I know that something I read will turn into a post. Other times, like the article I found tonight, might be turned into a short story, maybe a novel. Whether I use it or not in the foreseeable future is irrevelent. What's important for aspiring writers is to to look for ideas and build a library, literally and figuratively, and like water from a well, you can draw from it when you need a drink.

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