The Writing Toolbox

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Is the Four Hour Work Week Possible?

I've recently been listening to Timothy Ferriss's The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich. Is a four hour work week possible or even realistic?

Dubious is a word that comes to mind, but then again, I work a lot more than four hours each week, and he doesn't. So I'm revisiting my habits (like time spent on e-mail), and trying to figure out how I can work smarter, not harder.

I'm wondering how many of you writers out there have managed to implement any of his ideas (e.g., outsource monotonous tasks).

Whether you eek out a living by writing, freelance your way to a $100,000 a year or hardly earn enough to spit on, I'd love to hear about how you've managed to earn more while working less.

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