The Writing Toolbox

Friday, November 21, 2008

Time for Writing

Does life get so hectic for you that your daily writing fix gets shoved out the door? I think that's one of my excuses I've used--for a long, long time. Yes, it is true. I don't waste much time. I love watching football, and yes, that takes up a long time. But recently, it's an excuse I don't want to use anymore. Romans 12:2 says, "let God transform you into a new person."

In this case, it means setting excuses aside. If you love to write, then write. Don't read books about how to write and then dream about one day creating your first novel. Eat your elephant one bite at a time. Get into the daily habit first, do what you don't like (which is sitting down and being disciplined), and your passion will soon follow.

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